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Showing posts from August, 2013

Computer Woes ... Again

See that wonky-looking stuff on the right of the screen? That's what my iMac is doing these days. All in all, I can't complain. I bought it in 2006, so I got seven good years out of it. I was in the middle of my twice-yearly freelance project when it started this, and at first, rebooting would get rid of it for a little bit. Not so much now. I want to buy a new computer, but I won't. I have a laptop that works fine but runs much, much slower. I'm in the process of transferring all of my necessary files to flash drives. Scribus Update I had mentioned in a previous post that I was going to use Scribus as I worked on my freelance project this time to see how well it worked. I knew my computer's days were numbered, and rather than buy Adobe InDesign again (which I'd have to do because CS2, the Creative Suite version I have, will not work on a new operating system) I thought I'd see what my other options were. Well, it was slow going key command...

Rethinking Things

Since 2006, I've had a freelance project that I work on twice a year. The work takes about two weeks, which would be a lot less if I didn't have a full-time job to do at the same time. It's given me my share of headaches, but for the most part, I've enjoyed the work. It gives me lots to read on local history, it's work I'm comfortable doing, and it pays decently. Now is the time of year that I have to work on it (hence my absence from this blog recently) but unlike in the past, I had a lot of trouble getting into the work this time. Rather than just diving right into it, I would find myself surfing the web, checking email, doing the dishes, you name it. My change in attitude could be due to a lot of things: I've got a toddler now to keep up with, my work schedule has changed, the format of the work has changed, and I've been feeling very behind in my housework. However, I think the ultimate reason may just be that for me, this project has run its cou...