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Showing posts from December, 2013

MTurk Work

My car has been acting up lately. I cannot tell you how much I wish I could afford something else without having to go further into debt. In order to get back and forth to work, ultimately, that may be exactly what we do. But I'm calling that Option Z. For now, I've been doing what I can to earn a little extra to send to our creditors. I signed up for MTurk , a site through which users can do a wide range of tasks for pay, through Amazon a few weeks ago, and after the latest car trouble, I decided to put the site to use. Here's my take on MTurk: You would have to have little debt AND a rather low cost of living to be able to make a living working through the site. For my current purpose -- earning as much extra as I can to help pay down debt -- it's OK, but I won't be reaching my goal anytime soon. Most tasks are time-consuming so it would be tough to even be able to earn minimum wage doing them. You can qualify for higher paying tasks, but I don'...