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Software Options

I've mentioned in past posts that my home computer is old (technology wise), which, I think will start affecting my ability to do freelance work before long. I have upgraded it some, but I can't any more without rendering my current desktop publishing software (Adobe Creative Suite 2) unusable. Upgrading my CS to version 3 or 4 would cost as much as the freelance client I use it for pays me in a year. Upgrading to the current version, 5.5, is totally out of reach without some new clients to make it practical.

After doing some online searches, though, I found a free open source program that I'd like to give a try. It's called Scribus. So far, all I've done is download it and do some minor exploring, and it looks rather different than the Adobe software I'm used to, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

If it can perform as I need, I will be able to further upgrade my home computer and use Scribus instead of Adobe. I've got my fingers crossed.

Next on my list is to find something free or inexpensive to substitute for Adobe Photoshop, then Illustrator, which I use the least.


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